Webhook Creation

Webhook Creation

A webhook is a feature that sends a notification to a specified URL when specific events occur, such as publishing or updating an article. This guide explains the steps to create a webhook, using triggering Vercel’s Deploy Hook as an example.

Creating a Deploy Hook in Vercel

In Vercel, go to Project Settings > Deploy Hooks to create a new Deploy Hook and obtain its URL.

Proceed to Webhook creation page

Click the "Create New" button to proceed to the creation page.

Enter Webhook information

This time, we’ll set it up as a trigger for Vercel. Enter a name for the webhook and paste the URL.

Webhook creation complete

That’s it! The setup is complete. Check the webhook list to ensure the newly created webhook is displayed.

Webhook testing

Finally, confirm that the webhook is functioning correctly.

If you can confirm that publishing an article triggers a build in Vercel, the webhook has been set up correctly.
